Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You Robbed Me!

You robbed me of my dreams
You robbed me!

You robbed me of time to develop and
Use my gifts...
You robbed me!

You robbed me of my passion/and my fire.
You robbed me!

You robbed me of desire
You robbed me!

You robbed me of joy and laughter
You robbed me!

You robbed me of my fight.
You robbed me!

You robbed me of my Dad and his presence..
You robbed me!

You robbed me of clarity of mind and thoughts.
You robbed me!

You robbed me of my voice...
You robbed!

You robbed me
but I have a choice!

So tonight, I'm gonna dream my dreams anyway....But tonight Im gonna use my gifts anyway,
And tonight I'm gonna light this fire anyway, Yes tonight I'm gonna cry out desire anyway. So tonight i'm gonna blossom into joy anyway, and tonight i'm gonna fight this fight my way,

because you robbed me and I'm pissed off!

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