Monday, June 14, 2010

Life is for learning Agape Love!

Agape love never fails!
Though there be wealth, it shall rust and decay.
Though there be fame, it shall sink into oblivion.
Though there be political power and supremacy,
it shall burst like a bubble.
Though there be military might, it shall crumble.
Though there be tongues of eloquence, they shall be stilled.
Though there be beauty of face and form, it shall fade.
But love is forever.

Where hoary time shall be no more,
When earthly thrones and kingdoms fall,
When the Ancient of Days is set upon His Judgment Seat,
When angel harps are stilled and heaven's silence
fills the universe,
Love will still be young.

When the last plane has made its flight,
The last satellite circled the globe,
The last rocket has been launched;
When the debris of the melting cosmos
has been swept afar
by the fiery tempest of God's wrath;
When the new heaven and earth leap from
the matrix of the ages-
Love will still be in its infancy.
It will never grow old, never fade, never decay.
It is life's superlative goal.
It is divine.
Therefore, make love your aim! -Anonymous

(Don't Waste Your Sorrows, Paul Billheimer)

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